Welcome to The Gap State High School’s Student Support Parent Group (Formally known as PEG). Supporting parents support their student is what we are all about. 

Getting your child through school can sometimes be a challenge, when they have disabilities, learning or emotional difficulties, it can feel isolating and impossible.

It is vital to be able to connect with other parents who are sharing a similar experience, or who have been through it, and are almost out the other side.

The SSPG is here for you, and ready to provide a chance to get together with other parents at our meetings.  Learn what has worked for some parents, what hasn’t,  what’s going on in disability/education policy, where to find a good speech pathologist, and just talk to others who understand what you’re going through.

You don’t have to have a specific diagnosis,  if you are worried things don’t seem right come along and have a chat.

Please email the group co-ordinator, Terri Bainbridge (Mum to an awesome son with Dyslexia) at [email protected]  to find out more, or ask any questions you may have. Email us to be added to our contact list, and you’ll be sent information on meetings, events and other useful material.


Time: 7.30pm Venue: Library

Held: last Wednesday of the month, or as adviced in the school newsletter.

Student Support Parent Group Committee Executive

Chairman – Terri Bainbridge [email protected]

Vice Chairman – Janelle Grace

Secretary – Kym Bierenbroodspot