The Gap State High School P&C welcomes all parents and caregivers to attend P&C general meetings, A4A (Activities 4 Activities), POPARTS, EVP, SSPG subcommittee meetings, and other parent-run events. 

P&C Membership 

If you would like to join the P&C, please complete our online application formYou will need to attend a P&C General Meeting for your membership to be confirmed.

The next AGM is scheduled for March 2025.  

Please be reminded that all members must abide by the P&C Code of Conduct.

General Meetings 

Our monthly general meetings are the second Monday of each month (no meetings take place over the holiday period). Meetings start at 7pm and take place in the Library unless notified of a change of location. You can contact the President at anytime for any further information.

P&C Committee   

Your P&C can be reached at: [email protected]


There are no vacant positions.