The Gap State High School’s Tuckshop opens daily for morning tea and lunch.  A paid convenor and tuckshop assistant work in the tuckshop every day.  They need the assistance of several volunteers to:

  • prepare food in the morning
  • serve students and staff during breaks or
  • help for a full day (for example one day a week, fortnight or month)

The tuckshop is operated by the P & C with the profits providing resources for the school.  If you have a spare hour or two and could help prepare food in the tuckshop and/or serve at the counter (optional) once a month (or more frequently if you have the time), please phone our convenor Teresa at the tuckshop on (07) 3511  3836 or email  [email protected]. If you are not a parent at the school you will require a blue card.

All offers of assistance will be enthusiastically received. Mums, Dads, grandparents and carers are very welcome to volunteer.  Working in the tuckshop is a great way to meet other parents and children’s friends and teachers. 

Help on an occasional basis, is also welcome.  You do not need any prior experience to volunteer.  You will receive on-the-job training and encouragement from our very friendly convenors and other volunteers.

You don’t need to be there for a full day, any time you can spare would be appreciated by our convenor Teresa.